HOME #1 is a comic book published by Image Comics
Writer: Julio Anta
Artist: Anna Wieszczyk
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Home #1 by Julio Anta, Anna Wieszczyk, tells a story about a young boy and his mother trekking to America seeking asylum. The first issue tells of their trip from their country of origin, all the way to the United States. Meanwhile the narration tells of the current events, the news and some of the policies that have led to the conflict and commentary in the work.
The opening concepts were a serious tone based on current and timely real life events. Empathy is developed through the dialogue as we get to know the characters further, with lines like ”Don’t be nervous. All you have to do is tell the truth. Tell the nice men what happened to us, and why we need to come live with your aunt…” all spoken in “Spanish” per the comic notes. There are many hardships and obstacles that the characters encounter, but the idea of these events mirroring the situation of people in our country adds an extra layer to this story.

The art along with the rapid paneling really sets the pacing of the story as most of the comic is related to the trip and not so much the destination. The art feels stylized but also hopeful. The colors change in darken as the story progresses relating to the reader the upcoming issues for our characters.
Hassan’s lettering is a real driver for the severity of events, the distinction in font color for the different languages emphasizes the separation between the characters and the real life implications in the world.
This book brings all the elements together to the conclusion of the initial arc for this first issue as we are left off with the twist of the story for characters going forward. This book was not an easy read, as it is very much reflecting the current times and real life issues but it accomplishes to inform and entertain with its story.
JULIO ANTA and ANNA WIESZCZYK debut with a deeply grounded and heartfelt five-issue series that explores the real-world implications of a migrant with extraordinary powers.
Release Date: April 14, 2021
Price: $3.99
Read It Digitally: Home #1 via comiXology
Rating 4/5
Written by Daniel co-host of the Next Issue Podcast
@eckospider on Twitter.
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