Written by Tom King
Art by Mitch Gerards & Evan “Doc” Shaner
Letters by Clayton Cowles

Can the Justice League Stop the Pykkts?
“The battle against the Pykkts continues! The Justice League—including Green Lantern, Doctor Fate, Batman, the Flash, Superman, and Wonder Woman—has scattered across the Earth, pushing back the marauders wherever they appear. Even Mr. Terrific takes a break from investigating Adam Strange’s alleged war crimes to land a punch or two in their stupid alien faces. But Adam Strange has made his decision: to save Rann at any price—even if that price is the Earth itself!”

This title will be available January 26th 2021 wherever DC comics are sold
32 pages – $4.99
Written by Daniel co-host of the Next Issue Podcast
@eckospider on Twitter.
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